Our office handles various types of fraud claims. False letters of credit and financial fraud are types of deception part of the larger group of deceptions called advance fee fraud. Our office handles many of these frauds on a contingency basis. Here are some typical types of deception,

“Every day, intermediary brokers and financial advisors worldwide are exposed to high volumes of fraudulent proposals. Most do not have the benefit of specialized training to detect fictitious terms in the many documents, or the investment banking experience to know what transactions are possible to close on or not. As a result, brokers, and even lawyers, become immersed in a false world of imaginary terminology invented by creative fraudsters, who are masters in the art of winning confidence (the origin or the term “confidence man” or “con-artist”).  

Inevitably the brokers and lawyers begin to believe that they know something about the transactions, and come to adopt the false language of fraudsters, bringing those fantasies into other legitimate transactions. This causes great confusion, making it difficult to assess the validity of any proposal, and hard to distinguish whether a broker or advisor is a co-conspirator in a fraud, has been deceived by a fraud that he is unwittingly promoting, or simply has developed a bad habit of using the infectious fictitious terminology even when describing a legitimate transaction.”

– Anatomy of Financial Fraud
Website keywords: financial fraud, financial fraud claims, contingency agreement, letter of credit, contingency lawyer    

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