Sexual Harassment Contingency Lawyer

Black and white image of a woman looking uncomfortable as a man places his hand on her shoulder

Our office handles sexual harassment claims on a contingency basis. If we accept your case, we are paid only upon success by way of judgment or settlement.

There are two basic types of sexual harassment cases:

  • quid pro quo, where employment, promotion, or benefits are associated with sexual favors, and
  • hostile work environment, where an employee is subjected to intimidating or hostile conduct in the workplace.

Here are some of the questions and issues that arise:

1. Duration and Nature of the Conduct

A sustained pattern of harassment is more serious than a single errant comment or even act. The severity and frequency of the harassment can significantly impact the case.

2. Complaint to Corporate Management

When was the complaint made, and to whom? Sadly, a harasser may be connected with management, and showing this connection can help establish corporate liability.

3. Evidence of the Claim

Are there witness statements, reports, or documents that can help support the sexual harassment claim if it is denied? Gathering concrete evidence is crucial.

4. Treatment

Have you consulted a counselor or confided in friends or family? Documenting the emotional and psychological impact of the harassment is important.

If you believe you have been a victim of sexual harassment, it is important to understand your rights and the legal options available to you. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case. We are here to help you navigate this challenging time and seek the justice you deserve.

For more information, visit our blog on this topic: Help victims of sexual assault seek justice

Website Keywords: Sexual harassment, Contingency agreement, Legal problems, Attorney who will take case on contingency, Contingency lawyer

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